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HTTP RESTful services framework.

Basic Usage

import { rs } from "sdk/http";

    .get(function (_ctx, _request, response) {
        response.println("Hello there!");


Function Description Returns
service(mappings?) Creates an HttpController instance, optionally initialized with a JS configuration or ResourceMappings object HttpController



Property Description Returns
execute(request?, response?) processes HTTP requests, to match path, method and constraints to resource mappings and invoke callback handler functions accordingly and generate response. ---
mappings() Returns the mappings configured for this controller instance. ResourceMapppngs


Property Description Returns
resource(configuration?) Returns the resource configuration object optionally initialized with oConfiguration Resource
configuration() Returns the configuration for this ResourceMappings object Object
readonly() Disables all but GET requests to this API ResourceMappings
disable(sPath, verb, arrConsumes, arrProduces) Disables the handling of requests sent to path path with HTTP method verb and with consumes media type arrConsumes and produces media type arrProduces media type constraints ResourceMappings
find(path, verb, arrConsumes, arrProduces) Finds a request handler for requests sent to path path with HTTP method verb and with consumes media type arrConsumes and produces media type arrProduces media type constraints ResourceMethod
execute(request?, response?) Executes the service ----


Property Description Returns
get(serveCallback?) Returns the get method configuration object, optionally configured with serveCallback for serving requests ResourceMethod
post(serveCallback?) Returns the post method configuration object, optionally configured with serveCallback for serving requests ResourceMethod
put(serveCallback?) Returns the put method configuration object, optionally configured with serveCallback for serving requests ResourceMethod
delete(serveCallback?) Returns the delete method configuration object, optionally configured with serveCallback for serving requests ResourceMethod
remove(serveCallback?) Same as delete() ResourceMethod
method(httpVerb, configuration?) Returns the a method configuration object for the sHttpVerb HTTP method name and optionally initialized with configuration object ResourceMethod
configuration() Returns the configuration for this Resource object Object
readonly() Disables all but GET requests to this resource ResourceMappings
disable(verb, arrConsumes, arrProduces) Disables the handling of requests sent to this resource path with HTTP method sVerb and with consumes media type arrConsumes and produces media type arrProduces media type constraints ResourceMappings
find(verb, arrConsumes, arrProduces) Finds a request handler for requests sent to this resource path with HTTP method sVerb and with consumes media type arrConsumes and produces media type arrProduces media type constraints ResourceMethod
execute(request?, response?) Executes the service ----


Property Description Returns
configuration() Returns the configuration for this ResourceMethod object Object
consumes(arrMediaTypeStrings) Assigns a consumes constraint for this verb handler configuration. ResourceMethod
produces(arrMediaTypeStrings) Assigns a produces constraint for this verb handler configuration. ResourceMethod
before(function) Assign a before callback function for this verb handler configuration ResourceMethod
serve(function) Assign a verb handler function for this verb handler configuration ResourceMethod
catch(function) Assign a catch on error callback function for this verb handler configuration ResourceMethod
finally(function) Assign a finally callback function for this verb handler configuration ResourceMethod
execute(request?, response?) Executes the service ----