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SAP d-kom Sofia 2017

After many years of incredible demos, DemoJam part of the SAP d-kom Sofia this year went public.

The format this time was a bit different. There were no six teams competing for the prizes, but the teams collaborating and extending one single business scenario. We are happy that majority of the demos this time were based on Eclipse Dirigible or to be more specific on the newest innovations on top of the platform. We showed how to install a Kubernetes cluster in a few minutes and deploy ZEUS cloud development manager. Then some business objects were created with BizON modeling tool and a full-fledged application was generated. After that a mobile application was added based on Tabris.js integrated development in Dirigible. Next was an extension to the already created business application, which connects and embeds the Ariba network as a simple catalog search. The last demo showed the most recent features of SAPUI5.





For sure there cannot be a real d-kom Sofia event without a session related to Dirigible in the agenda. This time it was about Enterprise JavaScript presented by Vladimir and Nedelcho.
