JavaOne 2017

Developers from all over the world joined this year's edition of the JavaOne conference in San Francisco, California (USA), on October 1st, 2017. Tsvetan Stoyanov and Vladimir Pavlov represented the Eclipse Dirigible cloud development platform at the conference.

We were represented by Tsvetan Stoyanov at the Eclipse booth where he gave an overview of the currently available main features of the Dirigible platform as well as the upcoming look and feel of its soon-to-be released version 3.0.


There were ongoing video tutorial sessions at the Eclipse booth during the event.


During these sessions, people expressed their interest by giving valuable suggestions for improvement of the Dirigible cloud development platform in terms of the overall usability of the Dirigble IDE. In general, we made quite an impression on our guests at the Eclipse booth.


In the meantime, Vladimir Pavlov presented the Enterprise JavaScript at the conference.


We really appreciate everyone for all the constructive feedback we received at the JavaOne conference and we are looking forward to our next event!