Standard access to the registered relational data sources.
- Module:
- Definition:
- Source: /db/database.js
- Status:
- Group:
Basic Usage
import { database } from "sdk/db";
import { response } from "sdk/http";
let connection = database.getConnection("SystemDB");
try {
let statement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from DIRIGIBLE_EXTENSIONS");
let resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
while ( {
response.println("[path]: " + resultSet.getString("ARTEFACT_LOCATION"));
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
} else {
console.error("Something went wrong", e);
} finally {
Function | Description | Returns |
getDatabaseTypes() | deprecated as all the datasources now are in a single list |
list of string |
getDataSources() | Returns the list of the available data-sources in this instance. The data-sources of the default database type are listed | list of string |
createDataSource(name, driver, url, username, password, properties) | Creates a named dynamic datasource based on the provided parameters | - |
getMetadata(datasourceName) | Returns the metadata of the selected datasourceName. In case the datasourceName parameter is omitted, then the default data-source for the selected database is taken. | metadata object |
getConnection(datasourceName) | Establishes a connection to the selected data-source. Both parameters are optional | Connection |
Function | Description | Returns |
getDatabaseSystem() | Get database system type for this connection | DatabaseSystem enum |
isOfType(databaseSystem) | Check whether the connection is of specific database system type | boolean |
prepareStatement(sql) | Creates a prepared statement by the given SQL script | PreparedStatement |
prepareCall(sql) | Creates a callable statement by the given SQL script | CallableStatement |
close() | Closes the Connection and returns it to the pool | - |
commit() | Commits the current transaction | - |
getAutoCommit() | Returns the value of the auto commit setting | boolean |
getCatalog() | Returns the Catalog name, which the Connection is related to | string |
getSchema() | Returns the Schema name, which the Connection is related to | string |
getTransactionIsolation() | Returns the value of the transaction isolation setting | int |
isClosed() | Returns true if the Connection is already closed and false otherwise | boolean |
isReadOnly() | Returns true if the Connection is opened in a read only state and false otherwise | boolean |
isValid() | Returns true if the Connection is still valid and false otherwise | boolean |
rollback() | Rolls the current transaction back | - |
setAutoCommit(autoCommit) | Sets the value of the auto commit setting | - |
setCatalog(catalog) | Sets the Catalog name, which the Connection is related to | - |
setSchema(schema) | Sets the Schema name, which the Connection is related to | - |
setReadOnly(readOnly) | Sets the value of the read only state | - |
setTransactionIsolation(transactionIsolation) | Sets the value of the transaction isolation setting | - |
Function | Description | Returns |
close() | Closes the Statement | - |
execute() | Executes an SQL query, script, procedure, etc. | boolean |
executeQuery() | Executes a query and returns a ResultSet | ResultSet |
executeUpdate() | Executes an update SQL statement | - |
setNull(index, value) | Sets a parameter as null | - |
setBoolean(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type boolean | - |
setDate(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type date | - |
setClob(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type clob | - |
setBlob(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type blob | - |
setBytes(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type bytes | - |
setBinaryStream(index, inputStreamValue, length?) | Sets a parameter of type binary stream | - |
setDouble(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type double | - |
setFloat(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type float | - |
setInt(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type integer | - |
setLong(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type long | - |
setShort(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type short | - |
setString(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type string | - |
setTime(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type time | - |
setTimestamp(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type timestamp | - |
addBatch() | Adds a set of parameters to this PreparedStatement batch of commands | - |
executeBatch() | Submits a batch of commands to the database for execution and if all commands execute successfully, returns an array of update counts. | integer array |
getMetaData() | Retrieves a metadata object that contains information about the columns of the object that will be returned when this PreparedStatement is executed | object |
getMoreResults() | Returns true, if there are more ResultSet objects to be retrieved. | boolean |
getParameterMetaData() | Retrieves the number, types and properties of this PreparedStatement parameters | object |
getSQLWarning() | Retrieves the first warning reported | object |
isClosed() | Returns true, if closed | boolean |
Function | Description | Returns |
close() | Closes the Statement | - |
execute() | Executes an SQL query, script, procedure, etc. | boolean |
executeQuery() | Executes a query and returns a ResultSet | ResultSet |
executeUpdate() | Executes an update SQL statement | - |
setNull(index, value) | Sets a parameter as null | - |
setBoolean(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type boolean | - |
setDate(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type date | - |
setClob(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type clob | - |
setBlob(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type blob | - |
setBytes(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type bytes | - |
setDouble(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type double | - |
setFloat(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type float | - |
setInt(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type integer | - |
setLong(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type long | - |
setShort(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type short | - |
setString(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type string | - |
setTime(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type time | - |
setTimestamp(index, value) | Sets a parameter of type timestamp | - |
addBatch() | Adds a set of parameters to this PreparedStatement batch of commands | - |
executeBatch() | Submits a batch of commands to the database for execution and if all commands execute successfully, returns an array of update counts. | integer array |
getMetaData() | Retrieves a metadata object that contains information about the columns of the object that will be returned when this PreparedStatement is executed | object |
getMoreResults() | Returns true, if there are more ResultSet objects to be retrieved. | boolean |
getParameterMetaData() | Retrieves the number, types and properties of this PreparedStatement parameters | object |
getSQLWarning() | Retrieves the first warning reported | object |
isClosed() | Returns true, if closed | boolean |
Function | Description | Returns |
toJson(limited) | Returns the result set as stringfied JSON, limited = true will return only the first 100 records |
string |
close() | Closes the ResultSet | - |
getBoolean(identifier) | Returns a value of type boolean | boolean |
getDate(identifier) | Returns a value of type date | Date |
getDouble(identifier) | Returns a value of type double | double |
getFloat(identifier) | Returns a value of type float | float |
getInt(identifier) | Returns a value of type integer | int |
getLong(identifier) | Returns a value of type long | long |
getShort(identifier) | Returns a value of type short | short |
getString(identifier) | Returns a value of type string | string |
getTime(identifier) | Returns a value of type time | Date |
getTimestamp(identifier) | Returns a value of type timestamp | Date |
isAfterLast() | Returns true if the ResultSet is iterated at the end and false otherwise | boolean |
isBeforeFirst() | Returns true if the ResultSet is iterated at the beginning and false otherwise | boolean |
isFirst() | Returns true if the ResultSet is iterated at the first row and false otherwise | boolean |
isLast() | Returns true if the ResultSet is iterated at the last row and false otherwise | boolean |
isClosed() | Returns true if the ResultSet is already closed and false otherwise | boolean |
next() | Iterates the ResultSet to the next row and returns true if it is successful. Returns false if no more rows remain. | boolean |