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Type-safe SQL builders with multi-dialect support.

Basic Usage

import { sql } from "sdk/db";
import { response } from "sdk/http";

let script = sql.getDialect().select().column("FIRST_NAME").column("LAST_NAME").from("CUSTOMERS").build();




Function Description Returns
getDialect(connection?) Returns the dialect based on the provided connection if any or the default one otherwise Dialect



Function Description Returns
select() Returns a Select SQL builder Select
insert() Returns an Insert SQL builder Insert
update() Returns an Update SQL builder Update
delete() Returns a Delete SQL builder Delete
nextval(name) Returns a Nextval SQL builder by a given name Nextval
create() Returns a Create SQL builder Create
drop() Returns a Drop SQL builder Drop


Function Description Returns
distinct() Sets the distinct flag and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
forUpdate() Sets the forUpdate flag and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
column(name) Adds a column with the given name and returns the current Select SQL builder. Use * for all Select
from(table, alias?) Adds a table with the given table name and alias and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
join(table, on, alias?) Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
innerJoin(table, on, alias?) Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
outerJoin(table, on, alias?) Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
leftJoin(table, on, alias?) Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
rightJoin(table, on, alias?) Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
fullJoin(table, on, alias?) Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
where(condition) Adds a where clause with the given condition and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
order(column, asc?) Adds an order clause with the given column and optionally the ascending or descending order and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
group(column) Adds a group by clause and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
union(select) Adds an union clause and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
having(condition) Adds an having clause and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
limit() Sets the limit number and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
offset() Sets the offset number and returns the current Select SQL builder Select
build() Generate and returns the Select SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
into(table) Sets the table name and returns the current Insert SQL builder Insert
column(name) Adds a column name and returns the current Insert SQL builder Insert
value(param) Adds a value param and returns the current Insert SQL builder. Use ? for prepared statements afterwards. Insert
select(statement) Sets the select statement if needed and returns the current Insert SQL builder Insert
build() Generate and returns the Insert SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
table(name) Sets the table name and returns the current Update SQL builder Update
set(column, value) Adds a column - value pair and returns the current Update SQL builder Update
where(condition) Adds a where clause with the given condition and returns the current Update SQL builder Update
build() Generate and returns the Update SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
from(table) Sets the table name and returns the current Delete SQL builder Delete
where(condition) Adds a where clause with the given condition and returns the current Delete SQL builder Delete
build() Generate and returns the Delete SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
build() Generate and returns the Nextval SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
table(name) Returns a CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
view(name) Returns a CreateView SQL builder CreateView
sequence(name) Returns a CreateSequence SQL builder CreateSequence


Function Description Returns
table(name) Returns a DropTable SQL builder DropTable
view(name) Returns a DropView SQL builder DropView
sequence(name) Returns a DropSequence SQL builder DropSequence


Function Description Returns
column(name, type, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnVarchar(name, length, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a VARCHAR column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnChar(name, length, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a CHAR column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnDate(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a DATE column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnTime(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a TIME column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnTimestamp(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a TIMESTAMP column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnInteger(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a INTEGER column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnTinyint(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a TINYINT column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnBigint(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a BIGINT column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnSmallint(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a SMALLINT column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnDate(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a DATE column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnReal(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a REAL column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnDouble(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a DOUBLE PRECISION column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnBoolean(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a BOOLEAN column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnBlob(name, isNullable?, args?) Adds a BLOB column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
columnDecimal(column, precision, scale, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) Adds a DECIMAL column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
primaryKey(columns, name?) Sets a primary key definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
foreignKey(name, columns, referencedTable, referencedColumns) Adds a foreign key definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
unique(name, columns) Adds an unique index definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
check(name, expression) Adds a check definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder CreateTable
build() Generate and returns the CreateTable SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
column(name) Adds a column definition and returns the current VieweTable SQL builder VieweTable
asSelect(select) Sets the select definition and returns the current VieweTable SQL builder VieweTable
build() Generate and returns the VieweTable SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
build() Generate and returns the Sequence SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
build() Generate and returns the DropTable SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
build() Generate and returns the DropView SQL statement as a string String


Function Description Returns
build() Generate and returns the DropSequence SQL statement as a string String