Type-safe SQL builders with multi-dialect support.
- Module:
- Definition: https://github.com/eclipse/dirigible/issues/125
- Source: /db/sql.js
- Status:
- Group:
Basic Usage
import { sql } from "sdk/db";
import { response } from "sdk/http";
let script = sql.getDialect().select().column("FIRST_NAME").column("LAST_NAME").from("CUSTOMERS").build();
Function | Description | Returns |
getDialect(connection?) | Returns the dialect based on the provided connection if any or the default one otherwise | Dialect |
Function | Description | Returns |
select() | Returns a Select SQL builder | Select |
insert() | Returns an Insert SQL builder | Insert |
update() | Returns an Update SQL builder | Update |
delete() | Returns a Delete SQL builder | Delete |
nextval(name) | Returns a Nextval SQL builder by a given name | Nextval |
create() | Returns a Create SQL builder | Create |
drop() | Returns a Drop SQL builder | Drop |
Function | Description | Returns |
distinct() | Sets the distinct flag and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
forUpdate() | Sets the forUpdate flag and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
column(name) | Adds a column with the given name and returns the current Select SQL builder. Use * for all | Select |
from(table, alias?) | Adds a table with the given table name and alias and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
join(table, on, alias?) | Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
innerJoin(table, on, alias?) | Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
outerJoin(table, on, alias?) | Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
leftJoin(table, on, alias?) | Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
rightJoin(table, on, alias?) | Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
fullJoin(table, on, alias?) | Adds a join clause and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
where(condition) | Adds a where clause with the given condition and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
order(column, asc?) | Adds an order clause with the given column and optionally the ascending or descending order and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
group(column) | Adds a group by clause and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
union(select) | Adds an union clause and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
having(condition) | Adds an having clause and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
limit() | Sets the limit number and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
offset() | Sets the offset number and returns the current Select SQL builder | Select |
build() | Generate and returns the Select SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
into(table) | Sets the table name and returns the current Insert SQL builder | Insert |
column(name) | Adds a column name and returns the current Insert SQL builder | Insert |
value(param) | Adds a value param and returns the current Insert SQL builder. Use ? for prepared statements afterwards. | Insert |
select(statement) | Sets the select statement if needed and returns the current Insert SQL builder | Insert |
build() | Generate and returns the Insert SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
table(name) | Sets the table name and returns the current Update SQL builder | Update |
set(column, value) | Adds a column - value pair and returns the current Update SQL builder | Update |
where(condition) | Adds a where clause with the given condition and returns the current Update SQL builder | Update |
build() | Generate and returns the Update SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
from(table) | Sets the table name and returns the current Delete SQL builder | Delete |
where(condition) | Adds a where clause with the given condition and returns the current Delete SQL builder | Delete |
build() | Generate and returns the Delete SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
build() | Generate and returns the Nextval SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
table(name) | Returns a CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
view(name) | Returns a CreateView SQL builder | CreateView |
sequence(name) | Returns a CreateSequence SQL builder | CreateSequence |
Function | Description | Returns |
table(name) | Returns a DropTable SQL builder | DropTable |
view(name) | Returns a DropView SQL builder | DropView |
sequence(name) | Returns a DropSequence SQL builder | DropSequence |
Function | Description | Returns |
column(name, type, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnVarchar(name, length, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a VARCHAR column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnChar(name, length, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a CHAR column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnDate(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a DATE column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnTime(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a TIME column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnTimestamp(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a TIMESTAMP column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnInteger(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a INTEGER column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnTinyint(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a TINYINT column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnBigint(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a BIGINT column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnSmallint(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a SMALLINT column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnDate(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a DATE column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnReal(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a REAL column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnDouble(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a DOUBLE PRECISION column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnBoolean(name, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a BOOLEAN column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnBlob(name, isNullable?, args?) | Adds a BLOB column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
columnDecimal(column, precision, scale, isPrimaryKey?, isNullable?, isUnique?, args?) | Adds a DECIMAL column definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
primaryKey(columns, name?) | Sets a primary key definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
foreignKey(name, columns, referencedTable, referencedColumns) | Adds a foreign key definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
unique(name, columns) | Adds an unique index definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
check(name, expression) | Adds a check definition and returns the current CreateTable SQL builder | CreateTable |
build() | Generate and returns the CreateTable SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
column(name) | Adds a column definition and returns the current VieweTable SQL builder | VieweTable |
asSelect(select) | Sets the select definition and returns the current VieweTable SQL builder | VieweTable |
build() | Generate and returns the VieweTable SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
build() | Generate and returns the Sequence SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
build() | Generate and returns the DropTable SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
build() | Generate and returns the DropView SQL statement as a string | String |
Function | Description | Returns |
build() | Generate and returns the DropSequence SQL statement as a string | String |