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Bytes module provides utility functions for working with bytes.

  • Module: io/bytes
  • Definition: n/a
  • Source: /io/bytes.js
  • Status: stable
  • Group: core

Basic Usage

import { bytes } from "sdk/io"

console.log(bytes.textToByteArray("Hello World"));
console.log(bytes.byteArrayToText([72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100]));


Function Description Returns
textToByteArray(text) Converts a text to a byte array array of bytes
byteArrayToText(bytes) Converts a byte array to text string
toJavaBytes(bytes) Convert the native JavaScript byte array to Java one, to be used internally by the API layer array of Java bytes
toJavaScriptBytes(bytes) Convert the Java byte array to a native JavaScript one, to be used internally by the API layer array of JavaScript bytes