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CSV Editor

The CSV editor in the Eclipse Dirigible IDE is based on the AG Grid library. The CSV editor allows you to create, edit, and manage CSV files.

Create CSV Files

  1. To create a new CSV file in the IDE, first create a project.
  2. Right-click your project and create a file.
  3. Finally, give the newly created file a name followed by the .csv extension, and press Enter. To open the CSV file, double-click it. By default, the CSV file has the headers already enabled. If you want to disable the headers, click the vertical ellipsis icon ("") to open the kebab menu, and click Disable Header.

Edit CSV Files

While editing a CSV file in the Eclipse Dirigible IDE, you can perform a list of actions:

  • Add a new column

To add a column, right-click on the Column field and click Add Column.

You can also edit and delete a column by right-clicking it.

  • Add a new row

To add a row, right-click on the field where rows should go and click Add Row.

Clicking an already existing row allows you to add a new row before or after it, or delete it.

  • Reorder rows

You can use the drag icon ("⋮⋮⋮⋮") to change the order of existing rows by dragging and dropping them where you want them to be:


  • Select rows

You can select: - separate single rows with the "Cmd (macOS) / Ctrl (Linux & Windows) + left click" shortcut, or - multiple consequent rows with the "Shift + left click" shortcut.

Once you've selected some rows, you can either reorder them using the drag icon ("⋮⋮⋮⋮") or delete them with righ-click and Delete Row(s).

Manage CSV Files

  • Filter a CSV file

You can filter the CSV file using these predefined filter options:

  • Contains
  • Not Contains
  • Equals
  • Not Equal
  • Starts With
  • Ends With

To select one of these options, click the “” hamburger icon:


  • Export a CSV file

To export a CSV file, click Export.

The CSV file will be downloaded automatically.