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Setup with Helm

You can deploy Dirigible via Helm Chart in a Kubernetes cluster.



  1. Add the Eclipse Dirigible Helm repository:

    helm repo add dirigible
    helm repo update
  2. Verify Eclipse Dirigible Helm chart:

    helm pull dirigible/dirigible --prov
    curl -o ~/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
    helm verify dirigible-<version>.tgz
    You shoul see message:
    Signed by: 
    Using Key With Fingerprint: 
    Chart Hash Verified: 

  3. Basic:

    helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible

    This will install Eclipse Dirigible Deployment and Service with ClusterIP only. To access the Dirigible instance execute the command that was printed in the console.


    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    echo "Visit to use your application"
    kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080    
  4. Kubernetes:

    helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible \
    --set ingress.enabled=true \

    This will expose the Dirigible instance through Ingress host (http://...).


    Install Istio.

    kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
    helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible \
    --set istio.enabled=true \

    This will install Eclipse Dirigible Deployment, Service with ClusterIP only and Istio Gateway and Virtual Service. To access the Dirigible instance execute the command that was printed in the console.

    kubectl get svc istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system \
    -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].hostname}"
    helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible \
    --set ingress.enabled=true \
    --set<ingress-host> \
    --set database.enabled=true

    This will install also PostgreSQL database with 1Gi storage and update the Dirigible datasource configuration to consume the database.

    helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible \
    --set ingress.enabled=true \
    --set<ingress-host> \
    --set database.enabled=true \
    --set keycloak.enabled=true \
    --set keycloak.install=true \
    --set keycloak.database.enabled=true

    In addition Keycloak will be deployed and configured.

    Disable HTTPS

    In some cases you might want to disable the "Required HTTPS" for Keycloak.

    • Login to the PostgreSQL Pod:
    kubectl exec -it keycloak-database-<pod-uuid> /bin/bash
    • Connect to the keycloak database:
    psql --u keycloak
    • Set the ssl_required to NONE:
    update REALM set ssl_required='NONE' where id = 'master';
    • Restart the Keycloak pod to apply the updated configuration:
    kubectl delete pod keycloak-<pod-uuid>

    Now the Required HTTPS should be disabled and the keycloak instance should be accessible via http://



    • You can check the blog for more details.
    helm upgrade --install dirigible dirigible -n dirigible-demo \
    --set volume.enabled=true \
    --set serviceAccount.create=false \
    --set keycloak.serviceAccountCreate=false \
    --set ingress.tls=true \
    --set keycloak.enabled=true \
    --set keycloak.install=true \
    --set istio.enabled=true \
    --set istio.enableHttps=true \
    --set gke.cloudSQL=true \  
    --set gke.projectId=<your-project-id> \
    --set gke.region=<your-gke-cluster-region> \
  5. Kyma:

    helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible \
    --set kyma.enabled=true \

    This will install additionally an ApiRule and XSUAA ServiceInstance and ServiceBinding. The appropriate roles should be assigned to the user.

    helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible \
    --set kyma.enabled=true \
    --set<kyma-host> \
    --set database.enabled=true

    This will install also PostgreSQL database with 1Gi storage and update the Dirigible datasource configuration to consume the database.

    helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible \
    --set kyma.enabled=true \
    --set<kyma-host> \
    --set database.enabled=true \
    --set keycloak.enabled=true \
    --set keycloak.install=true

    In addition Keycloak will be deployed and configured.

    Disable HTTPS

    In some cases you might want to disable the "Required HTTPS" for Keycloak.

    • Login to the PostgreSQL Pod:
    kubectl exec -it keycloak-database-<pod-uuid> /bin/bash
    • Connect to the keycloak database:
    psql --u keycloak
    • Set the ssl_required to NONE:
    update REALM set ssl_required='NONE' where id = 'master';
    • Restart the Keycloak pod to apply the updated configuration:
    kubectl delete pod keycloak-<pod-uuid>

    Now the Required HTTPS should be disabled and the keycloak instance should be accessible via http://

  6. Uninstall:

    helm uninstall dirigible


The following table lists all the configurable parameters expose by the Dirigible chart and their default values.


Name Description Default
dirigible.image Custom Dirigible image ""
image.repository Dirigible image repo dirigiblelabs/dirigible-all
image.repositoryKyma Dirigible Kyma image repo dirigiblelabs/dirigible-sap-kyma
image.repositoryKeycloak Dirigible Keycloak image repo dirigiblelabs/dirigible-keycloak
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
service.type Service type ClusterIP
service.port Service port 8080
replicaCount Number of replicas 1
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets []
nameOverride Name override ""
fullnameOverride Fullname override ""
podSecurityContext Pod security context {}
nodeSelector Node selector {}
tolerations Tolerations []
affinity Affinity {}
resources Resources {}


Name Description Default
volume.enabled Volume to be mounted true Volume storage size 1Gi
database.enabled Database to be deployed false
database.image Database image postgres:13
database.driver Database JDBC driver org.postgresql.Driver Database storage size 1Gi
database.username Database username dirigible
database.password Database password dirigible
ingress.enabled Ingress to be created false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {} Ingress host ""
ingress.tls Ingress tls false


Name Description Default
istio.enabled Istio to be enable false
istio.gatewayName Istio gateway name gateway
istio.serversPortNumber Istio servers port number 80
istio.serversPortName Istio servers port name http
istio.serversPortProtocol Istio servers port protocol HTTP
istio.serversHost Istio servers host *
istio.virtualserviceName Istio virtual service name dirigible
istio.virtualserviceHosts Istio virtual service hosts *
istio.virtualserviceGateways Istio virtual service gateway gateway
istio.virtualserviceDestination Istio virtual service destination dirigible
istio.virtualservicePort Istio virtual service port 8080


Name Description Default
kyma.enabled Kyma environment to be used false
kyma.apirule.enabled Kyma ApiRule to be created true Kyma host to be used in ApiRule ""


Name Description Default
keycloak.enabled Keycloak environment to be used false
keycloak.install Keycloak to be installed false Keycloak deployment name keycloak
keycloak.image Keycloak image jboss/keycloak:12.0.4
keycloak.username Keycloak username admin
keycloak.password Keycloak password admin
keycloak.replicaCount Keycloak number of replicas 1
keycloak.realm Keycloak realm to be set master
keycloak.clientId Keycloak clientId to be used dirigible
keycloak.database.enabled Keycloak database to be used false
keycloak.database.enabled Keycloak database to be used true
keycloak.database.image Keycloak database image postgres:13 Keycloak database storage size 1Gi
keycloak.database.username Keycloak database username keycloak
keycloak.database.password Keycloak database password keycloak


Specify the parameters you which to customize using the --set argument to the helm install command. For instance,

helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible \
--set ingress.enabled=true \

The above command sets the to

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

helm install dirigible dirigible/dirigible --values values.yaml


You can use the default values.yaml.