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Bookstore Application - UI


This section shows how to create the User Interface layer for the Bookstore application. It contains a Books Perspective, View for displaying the data and Dialog for modifing the Books data.



  1. Right click on the babylon-project project and select New → Folder.
  2. Enter ui for the name of the folder.
  3. Create index.html, perspective.js and perspective.extension as shown below:
  1. Right click on the ui folder and select New → File.
  2. Enter index.html for the name of the file.
  3. Replace the content with the following code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="app" ng-controller="ApplicationController" xmlns="">

        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=" dg-brand-icon />
        <title dg-brand-title></title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="perspective.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript"
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
            href="/services/js/resources-core/services/loader.js?id=application-perspective-css" />

        <ide-header menu-ext-id="books-menu"></ide-header>
            <ide-layout views-layout-model="layoutModel"></ide-layout>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            angular.module('app', ['ngResource', 'ideLayout', 'ideUI'])
                .constant('branding', {
                    name: 'Babylon',
                    brand: 'Eclipse Dirigible',
                    brandUrl: '',
                    icons: {
                        faviconIco: '/services/web/resources/images/favicon.ico',
                        favicon32: '/services/web/resources/images/favicon-32x32.png',
                        favicon16: '/services/web/resources/images/favicon-16x16.png',
                    logo: '/services/web/resources/images/dirigible.svg',
                .constant('extensionPoint', {
                    perspectives: "books",
                    views: "books-view",
                    dialogWindows: "books-dialog-window"
                .controller('ApplicationController', ["$scope", "messageHub", function ($scope, messageHub) {
                    const httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
          "GET", "/services/js/resources-core/services/views.js?extensionPoint=books-view", false);

                    $scope.layoutModel = {
                        views: JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText).filter(e => !e.isLaunchpad && e.perspectiveName === "books").map(e =>


  1. Right click on the ui folder and select New → File.
  2. Enter perspective.js for the name of the file.
  3. Replace the content with the following code:
const perspectiveData = {
    id: "books",
    name: "books",
    link: "/services/web/babylon-project/ui/index.html",
    order: "100",
    icon: "/services/web/resources/unicons/copy.svg",

if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
    exports.getPerspective = function () {
        return perspectiveData;
  1. Right click on the ui folder and select New → Extension.
  2. Enter perspective.extension for the name of the Extension.
  3. Right click on perspective.extension and select Open With → Code Editor.
  4. Replace the content with the following code:
    "module": "babylon-project/ui/perspective.js",
    "extensionPoint": "books",
    "description": "Books - Perspective"


The index.html, perspective.js and perspective.extension files should be located at the babylon-project/ui folder.


  1. Right click on the babylon-project/ui folder and select New → Folder.
  2. Enter Books for the name of the folder.
  3. Create index.html, controller.js, view.js and view.extension as shown below:
  1. Right click on the Books folder and select New → File.
  2. Enter index.html for the name of the file.
  3. Replace the content with the following code:
<html lang="en" xmlns="" ng-app="page" ng-controller="PageController">

        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=" dg-brand-icon />
        <title dg-brand-title></title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/services/js/resources-core/services/loader.js?id=application-view-js">
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
            href="/services/js/resources-core/services/loader.js?id=application-view-css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="controller.js"></script>

    <body class="dg-vbox">
        <fd-toolbar has-title="true">
            <fd-toolbar-title>Items ({{dataCount}})</fd-toolbar-title>
            <fd-button compact="true" dg-type="transparent" dg-label="Create" ng-click="createEntity()"></fd-button>

        <fd-scrollbar class="dg-full-height" ng-hide="data == null">
            <table fd-table display-mode="compact" inner-borders="top" outer-borders="none">
                <thead fd-table-header sticky="true">
                    <tr fd-table-row>
                        <th fd-table-header-cell>Title</th>
                        <th fd-table-header-cell>Publisher</th>
                        <th fd-table-header-cell>Date</th>
                        <th fd-table-header-cell>Price</th>
                        <th fd-table-header-cell></th>
                <tbody fd-table-body>
                    <tr fd-table-row hoverable="true" ng-show="data.length == 0">
                        <td fd-table-cell no-data="true">No data available.</td>
                    <tr fd-table-row hoverable="true" ng-repeat="next in data"
                        dg-selected=" ===" ng-click="selectEntity(next)">
                        <td fd-table-cell ng-click="openDetails(next)" hoverable="true" activable="true">{{next.title}}
                        <td fd-table-cell ng-click="openDetails(next)" hoverable="true" activable="true">
                        <td fd-table-cell ng-click="openDetails(next)" hoverable="true" activable="true">
                            <fd-input type="date" ng-model="" ng-readonly="true"></fd-input>
                        <td fd-table-cell ng-click="openDetails(next)" hoverable="true" activable="true">{{next.price}}
                        <td fd-table-cell fit-content="true">
                                    <fd-button compact="true" glyph="sap-icon--overflow" dg-type="transparent"
                                        aria-label="Table Row Menu Button" ng-click="setTristate()">
                                <fd-popover-body dg-align="bottom-right">
                                    <fd-menu aria-label="Table Row Menu" no-backdrop="true" no-shadow="true">
                                        <fd-menu-item title="View Details" ng-click="openDetails(next)"></fd-menu-item>
                                        <fd-menu-item title="Edit" ng-click="updateEntity(next)"></fd-menu-item>
                                        <fd-menu-item title="Delete" ng-click="deleteEntity(next)"></fd-menu-item>

        <fd-pagination total-items="dataCount" items-per-page="dataLimit" items-per-page-options="[10, 20, 50]"
            page-change="loadPage(pageNumber)" items-per-page-change="loadPage(pageNumber)"
            items-per-page-placement="top-start" compact="true" display-total-items="true" ng-hide="dataCount == 0">

  1. Right click on the Books folder and select New → File.
  2. Enter controller.js for the name of the file.
  3. Replace the content with the following code:
angular.module('page', ["ideUI", "ideView", "entityApi"])
    .config(["messageHubProvider", function (messageHubProvider) {
        messageHubProvider.eventIdPrefix = 'babylon-project.books.Books';
    .config(["entityApiProvider", function (entityApiProvider) {
        entityApiProvider.baseUrl = "/services/ts/babylon-project/api/books.ts";
    .controller('PageController', ['$scope', 'messageHub', 'entityApi', function ($scope, messageHub, entityApi) {

        function resetPagination() {
            $scope.dataPage = 1;
            $scope.dataCount = 0;
            $scope.dataLimit = 20;

        messageHub.onDidReceiveMessage("entityCreated", function (msg) {

        messageHub.onDidReceiveMessage("entityUpdated", function (msg) {

        $scope.loadPage = function (pageNumber) {
            $scope.dataPage = pageNumber;
            entityApi.count().then(function (response) {
                if (response.status != 200) {
                    messageHub.showAlertError("Books", `Unable to count Books: '${response.message}'`);
                $scope.dataCount = parseInt(;
                let offset = (pageNumber - 1) * $scope.dataLimit;
                let limit = $scope.dataLimit;
                entityApi.list(offset, limit).then(function (response) {
                    if (response.status != 200) {
                        messageHub.showAlertError("Books", `Unable to list Books: '${response.message}'`);

           => {
                        if ( {
                   = new Date(;

                    $ =;

        $scope.selectEntity = function (entity) {
            $scope.selectedEntity = entity;

        $scope.openDetails = function (entity) {
            $scope.selectedEntity = entity;
            messageHub.showDialogWindow("Books-details", {
                action: "select",
                entity: entity,

        $scope.createEntity = function () {
            $scope.selectedEntity = null;
            messageHub.showDialogWindow("Books-details", {
                action: "create",
                entity: {},
            }, null, false);

        $scope.updateEntity = function (entity) {
            messageHub.showDialogWindow("Books-details", {
                action: "update",
                entity: entity,
            }, null, false);

        $scope.deleteEntity = function (entity) {
            let id =;
                'Delete Books?',
                `Are you sure you want to delete Books? This action cannot be undone.`,
                    id: "delete-btn-yes",
                    type: "emphasized",
                    label: "Yes",
                    id: "delete-btn-no",
                    type: "normal",
                    label: "No",
            ).then(function (msg) {
                if ( === "delete-btn-yes") {
                    entityApi.delete(id).then(function (response) {
                        if (response.status != 204) {
                            messageHub.showAlertError("Books", `Unable to delete Books: '${response.message}'`);

  1. Right click on the Books folder and select New → File.
  2. Enter view.js for the name of the file.
  3. Replace the content with the following code:
const viewData = {
    id: "Books",
    label: "Books",
    factory: "frame",
    region: "center",
    link: "/services/web/babylon-project/ui/Books/index.html",
    perspectiveName: "books"

if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
    exports.getView = function () {
        return viewData;
  1. Right click on the Books folder and select New → Extension.
  2. Enter view.extension for the name of the Extension.
  3. Right click on view.extension and select Open With → Code Editor.
  4. Replace the content with the following code:
    "module": "babylon-project/ui/Books/view.js",
    "extensionPoint": "books-view",
    "description": "Books - Application View"


The index.html, controller.js, view.js and view.extension files should be located at the babylon-project/ui/Books folder.


  1. Right click on the babylon-project/ui/Books folder and select New → Folder.
  2. Enter dialog-window for the name of the folder.
  3. Create index.html, controller.js, view.js and view.extension as shown below:
  1. Right click on the dialog-window folder and select New → File.
  2. Enter index.html for the name of the file.
  3. Replace the content with the following code:
<html lang="en" xmlns="" ng-app="page" ng-controller="PageController">

        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        <link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo=" dg-brand-icon />
        <title dg-brand-title></title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/services/js/resources-core/services/loader.js?id=application-view-js">
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
            href="/services/js/resources-core/services/loader.js?id=application-view-css" />

        <script type="text/javascript" src="controller.js"></script>

    <body class="dg-vbox" dg-contextmenu="contextMenuContent">
        <fd-scrollbar class="dg-full-height">
            <div class="fd-margin--md fd-message-strip fd-message-strip--error fd-message-strip--dismissible"
                role="alert" ng-show="errorMessage">
                <p class="fd-message-strip__text">{{ errorMessage }}</p>
                <fd-button glyph="sap-icon--decline" compact="true" dg-type="transparent" aria-label="Close"
                    in-msg-strip="true" ng-click="clearErrorMessage()">

            <fd-fieldset class="fd-margin--md" ng-form="formFieldset">
                <fd-form-group dg-header="{{formHeaders[action]}}" name="entityForm">
                    <fd-form-item horizontal="false">
                        <fd-form-label for="idisbn" dg-required="false" dg-colon="true">ISBN</fd-form-label>
                        <fd-form-input-message-group dg-inactive="{{ formErrors.isbn ? false : true }}">
                            <fd-input id="idisbn" name="isbn" state="{{ formErrors.isbn ? 'error' : '' }}"
                                ng-required="false" ng-change="isValid(formFieldset['isbn'].$valid, 'isbn')"
                                ng-model="entity.isbn" ng-readonly="action === 'select'" ng-minlength="0.0 || 0"
                                ng-maxlength="20.0 || -1" dg-input-rules="{ patterns: [''] }" type="text"
                                placeholder="Enter isbn">
                            <fd-form-message dg-type="error">Incorrect Input</fd-form-message>
                    <fd-form-item horizontal="false">
                        <fd-form-label for="idtitle" dg-required="false" dg-colon="true">Title</fd-form-label>
                        <fd-form-input-message-group dg-inactive="{{ formErrors.title ? false : true }}">
                            <fd-input id="idtitle" name="title" state="{{ formErrors.title ? 'error' : '' }}"
                                ng-required="false" ng-change="isValid(formFieldset['title'].$valid, 'title')"
                                ng-model="entity.title" ng-readonly="action === 'select'" ng-minlength="0.0 || 0"
                                ng-maxlength="20.0 || -1" dg-input-rules="{ patterns: [''] }" type="text"
                                placeholder="Enter title">
                            <fd-form-message dg-type="error">Incorrect Input</fd-form-message>
                    <fd-form-item horizontal="false">
                        <fd-form-label for="idpublisher" dg-required="false" dg-colon="true">Publisher</fd-form-label>
                        <fd-form-input-message-group dg-inactive="{{ formErrors.publisher ? false : true }}">
                            <fd-input id="idpublisher" name="publisher"
                                state="{{ formErrors.publisher ? 'error' : '' }}" ng-required="false"
                                ng-change="isValid(formFieldset['publisher'].$valid, 'publisher')"
                                ng-model="entity.publisher" ng-readonly="action === 'select'" ng-minlength="0.0 || 0"
                                ng-maxlength="20.0 || -1" dg-input-rules="{ patterns: [''] }" type="text"
                                placeholder="Enter publisher">
                            <fd-form-message dg-type="error">Incorrect Input</fd-form-message>
                    <fd-form-item horizontal="false">
                        <fd-form-label for="iddate" dg-required="false" dg-colon="true">Date</fd-form-label>
                        <fd-form-input-message-group dg-inactive="{{ ? false : true }}">
                            <fd-input id="iddate" name="date" state="{{ ? 'error' : '' }}"
                                ng-required="false" ng-change="isValid(formFieldset['date'].$valid, 'date')"
                                ng-model="" ng-readonly="action === 'select'" type="date">
                            <fd-form-message dg-type="error">Incorrect Input</fd-form-message>
                    <fd-form-item horizontal="false">
                        <fd-form-label for="idprice" dg-required="false" dg-colon="true">Price</fd-form-label>
                        <fd-form-input-message-group dg-inactive="{{ formErrors.price ? false : true }}">
                            <fd-input id="idprice" name="price" state="{{ formErrors.price ? 'error' : '' }}"
                                ng-required="false" ng-change="isValid(formFieldset['price'].$valid, 'price')"
                                ng-model="entity.price" ng-readonly="action === 'select'" type="number"
                                placeholder="Enter price">
                            <fd-form-message dg-type="error">Incorrect Input</fd-form-message>

        <footer class="fd-dialog__footer fd-bar fd-bar--footer" ng-show="action !== 'select'">
            <div class="fd-bar__right">
                <fd-button class="fd-margin-end--tiny fd-dialog__decisive-button" compact="true" dg-type="emphasized"
                    dg-label="{{action === 'create' ? 'Create' : 'Update'}}"
                    ng-click="action === 'create' ? create() : update()" state="{{ !isFormValid ? 'disabled' : '' }}">
                <fd-button class="fd-dialog__decisive-button" compact="true" dg-type="transparent" dg-label="Cancel"


  1. Right click on the dialog-window folder and select New → File.
  2. Enter controller.js for the name of the file.
  3. Replace the content with the following code:
angular.module('page', ["ideUI", "ideView", "entityApi"])
    .config(["messageHubProvider", function (messageHubProvider) {
        messageHubProvider.eventIdPrefix = 'babylon-project.books.Books';
    .config(["entityApiProvider", function (entityApiProvider) {
        entityApiProvider.baseUrl = "/services/ts/babylon-project/api/books.ts";
    .controller('PageController', ['$scope', 'messageHub', 'entityApi', function ($scope, messageHub, entityApi) {

        $scope.entity = {};
        $scope.formHeaders = {
            select: "Books Details",
            create: "Create Books",
            update: "Update Books"
        $scope.formErrors = {};
        $scope.action = 'select';

        if (window != null && window.frameElement != null && window.frameElement.hasAttribute("data-parameters")) {
            let dataParameters = window.frameElement.getAttribute("data-parameters");
            if (dataParameters) {
                let params = JSON.parse(dataParameters);
                $scope.action = params.action;
                if ($scope.action == "create") {
                    $scope.formErrors = {
                if ( {
           = new Date(;
                $scope.entity = params.entity;
                $scope.selectedMainEntityKey = params.selectedMainEntityKey;
                $scope.selectedMainEntityId = params.selectedMainEntityId;

        $scope.isValid = function (isValid, property) {
            $scope.formErrors[property] = !isValid ? true : undefined;
            for (let next in $scope.formErrors) {
                if ($scope.formErrors[next] === true) {
                    $scope.isFormValid = false;
            $scope.isFormValid = true;

        $scope.create = function () {
            let entity = $scope.entity;
            entity[$scope.selectedMainEntityKey] = $scope.selectedMainEntityId;
            entityApi.create(entity).then(function (response) {
                if (response.status != 201) {
                    $scope.errorMessage = `Unable to create Books: '${response.message}'`;
                messageHub.showAlertSuccess("Books", "Books successfully created");

        $scope.update = function () {
            let id = $;
            let entity = $scope.entity;
            entity[$scope.selectedMainEntityKey] = $scope.selectedMainEntityId;
            entityApi.update(id, entity).then(function (response) {
                if (response.status != 200) {
                    $scope.errorMessage = `Unable to update Books: '${response.message}'`;
                messageHub.showAlertSuccess("Books", "Books successfully updated");

        $scope.cancel = function () {
            $scope.entity = {};
            $scope.action = 'select';

        $scope.clearErrorMessage = function () {
            $scope.errorMessage = null;

  1. Right click on the dialog-window folder and select New → File.
  2. Enter view.js for the name of the file.
  3. Replace the content with the following code:
const viewData = {
    id: "Books-details",
    label: "Books",
    link: "/services/web/babylon-project/ui/Books/dialog-window/index.html",
    perspectiveName: "books"

if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
    exports.getDialogWindow = function () {
        return viewData;
  1. Right click on the dialog-window folder and select New → Extension.
  2. Enter view.extension for the name of the Extension.
  3. Right click on view.extension and select Open With → Code Editor.
  4. Replace the content with the following code:
    "module": "babylon-project/ui/Books/dialog-window/view.js",
    "extensionPoint": "books-dialog-window",
    "description": "Books - Application Dialog Window"


The index.html, controller.js, view.js and view.extension files should be located at the babylon-project/ui/Books/dialog-window folder.

Publish and Preview

  1. (optional) Right click on the babylon-project project and select Publish.
  2. Select the babylon-project/ui/index.html in the Projects view
  3. In the Preview window you should see the web page for management of Books.
  4. Try to enter a few books to test how it works.


Application URL

The Bookstore Application is available at: http://localhost:8080/services/web/babylon-project/ui/


Tutorial Completed

After completing all steps in this tutorial, you would have:

  • Extendable UI Perspective for the book related views.
  • Books View to display the books data.
  • Books Dialog for modifing the books data.

Note: The complete content of the Bookstore tutorial is available at: