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Custom Stack - Branding


This section will guide you through the process of rebranding of Eclipse Dirigible Custom Stack.


Create Maven Module

  • Navigate to the root folder of the custom stack (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Create branding folder and navigate to it.
  • Create pom.xml file.
  1. Create new branding/pom.xml file.
  2. Paste the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


    <name>custom - stack - branding</name>

  • Navigate to the root folder of the custom stack (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Open the pom.xml file.
  • Navigate to the <modules> section.
  • Add the following module:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


    <name>custom - stack - parent</name>
    <description>Custom Stack - Sample</description>


        <name>Eclipse Foundation</name>



        <!-- Platform -->

        <!-- Commons -->

        <!-- Spring Boot -->



        <!-- Date Type Utils -->

        <!-- Swagger -->

        <!-- Data Access -->

        <!-- WebJars -->

        <!-- Olingo -->





        <project.title>custom stack</project.title>












Create Branding Resources

  • Navigate to the branding folder.
  • Create src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/ide-branding/ folder structure and navigate to it.
  • Create branding.js and custom-stack.svg files.
  1. Create new branding/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/ide-branding/branding.js file.
  2. Paste the following content:
const brandingInfo = {
    name: 'Custom Stack',
    brand: 'Custom Stack',
    brandUrl: '',
    icons: {
        faviconIco: '/services/web/ide-branding/favicon.ico',
        favicon32: '/services/web/ide-branding/favicon-32x32.png',
        favicon16: '/services/web/ide-branding/favicon-16x16.png',
    logo: '/services/web/ide-branding/custom-stack.svg'


For the sake of simplicity, the favicon files were omitted.

  1. Create new branding/src/main/resources/META-INF/dirigible/ide-branding/custom-stack.svg file.
  2. Paste the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg style="filter: invert(100%);"
    viewBox="0 0 6.3499999 6.3500002"
        id="defs2" />
        d="M 12,1 A 11,11 0 0 0 1,12 11,11 0 0 0 12,23 11,11 0 0 0 23,12 11,11 0 0 0 12,1 Z m -0.101562,4.3378906 c 0.955078,0 1.796875,0.15625 2.523437,0.4667969 0.732422,0.3046875 1.294922,0.7558594 1.6875,1.3535156 0.392578,0.5976562 0.603516,1.2734376 0.632813,2.0292969 L 15.107422,9.3105469 C 15.019531,8.4960938 14.720703,7.8808594 14.210938,7.4648438 13.707031,7.0488281 12.958984,6.8417969 11.96875,6.8417969 c -1.03125,0 -1.783203,0.1894531 -2.2578125,0.5703125 -0.46875,0.375 -0.703125,0.8300781 -0.703125,1.3632812 0,0.4628906 0.1660156,0.84375 0.5,1.1425782 0.328125,0.2988282 1.1835935,0.6054692 2.5664065,0.9218752 1.388672,0.310547 2.341797,0.583984 2.857422,0.818359 0.75,0.345703 1.302734,0.785156 1.660156,1.318359 0.357422,0.527344 0.537109,1.136719 0.537109,1.828126 0,0.685546 -0.197265,1.332031 -0.589844,1.941406 -0.392578,0.603515 -0.957031,1.074219 -1.695312,1.414062 -0.732422,0.333985 -1.558594,0.501953 -2.478516,0.501953 -1.166015,0 -2.144531,-0.169922 -2.9355465,-0.509765 C 8.6445313,17.8125 8.0253906,17.302734 7.5742188,16.623047 7.1289063,15.9375 6.8945312,15.164062 6.8710938,14.302734 l 1.609375,-0.140625 c 0.076172,0.644532 0.2519531,1.173829 0.5273437,1.589844 0.28125,0.410156 0.7148438,0.744141 1.3007815,1.001953 0.585937,0.251953 1.24414,0.378906 1.976562,0.378906 0.650391,0 1.22461,-0.09766 1.722656,-0.291015 0.498047,-0.193359 0.867188,-0.457031 1.107422,-0.791016 0.246094,-0.339843 0.369141,-0.707031 0.369141,-1.105469 0,-0.404296 -0.117188,-0.755859 -0.351563,-1.054687 C 14.898438,13.585938 14.511719,13.330078 13.972656,13.125 13.626953,12.990234 12.863281,12.783203 11.679688,12.501953 10.496094,12.214844 9.6660156,11.945312 9.1914062,11.693359 8.5761719,11.371094 8.1171875,10.972656 7.8125,10.498047 7.5136719,10.017578 7.3632812,9.4804687 7.3632812,8.8886719 c 10e-8,-0.6503906 0.1855469,-1.2558594 0.5546876,-1.8183594 0.3691406,-0.5683593 0.9082031,-1 1.6171874,-1.2929687 C 10.244141,5.484375 11.03125,5.3378906 11.898438,5.3378906 Z"
        transform="scale(0.26458334)" />

Add Branding Dependency

  • Navigate to the application folder.
  • Open the pom.xml file.
  • Make the following changes:
  1. Navigate to the <dependencies> section.
  2. Add the following dependency:

  1. Navigate to the <dependencies> section.
  2. Edit the dirigible-components-group-ide dependency:

    <!-- IDE -->
<project xmlns=""


    <name>custom - stack - application</name>


        <!-- Core -->

        <!-- Security -->

        <!-- Data -->

        <!-- Engine -->

        <!-- IDE -->

        <!-- API -->

        <!-- Resources -->


        <!-- Templates -->



        <!-- Drivers -->


                Note: Uncomment for git repositories, as this plugin would get the last commit id.
                This is needed for the info in the "About" view.


Build the Custom Platform

  • Navigate to the root folder of the project (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Open the Terminal and execute the following command to build the Custom Platform:

    mvn clean install

Run the Custom Platform

  • Navigate to the root folder of the project (e.g. <my-custom-stack-path>/custom-stack).
  • Open the Terminal and execute the following command to run the Custom Stack:

    java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED -jar application/target/custom-stack-application-*.jar
  • Go to http://localhost:8080 to access the Custom Stack.

Reset Theme

If the branding changes aren't visible, clear the browser cache and reset the theme by selecting Theme → Reset in the top right corner.

Next Steps

Section Completed

After completing the steps in this tutorial, you would have:

Continue to the Facade section to create Java facade and TypeScript API for the Custom Stack.

Note: The complete content of the Custom Stack tutorial is available at: