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Generate Application from Datasource

This tutorial will guide you through the creation of an Entity Data Model (EDM) and the generation of a full-stack Dirigible application from datasource. We will be using MySQL for that purpose but Eclipse Dirigible supports other databases as well.


  • Access to the latest version of Eclipse Dirigible (10.2.7+)
  • Docker Image setup (follow the steps below)


Pull the Docker Image

  • Pull the official Eclipse Dirigible Docker Image to your local environment.

    docker pull dirigiblelabs/dirigible:latest

Run the Docker Image

  • Launch the Docker Image using the following command:
docker run --name dirigible --rm -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 dirigiblelabs/dirigible:latest
  • Optional If you want to use environment variables to automatically import your datasource prepare the following file:



  • Launch the Docker Image using the following command:
docker run --env-file ./my_env.list --name dirigible --rm -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 dirigiblelabs/dirigible:latest

Add the Data Source

There are several ways how to to add a datasource (via the Web IDE, via Environment Variables, via *.datsource file):


Note that this method may result in the loss of the datasource upon restart.

  • Navigate to the Database perspective


  • In the bottom right corner select the + sign and input the information for you datasource


  • Test your connection with a simple query


Set the following environment variables:

  • <dataSourceName>_DRIVER=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  • <dataSourceName>_URL=jdbc:mysql://host.docker.internal/my_db
  • <dataSourceName>_USERNAME=*my_username*
  • <dataSourceName>_PASSWORD=*my_pass*


In the previous section the steps were explained in more details.

  • Create a *.datasource file in your application with the following content:
        "location": "/<projectName>/<path>/<dataSourceFileName>.datasource",
        "name": "<dataSourceName>",
        "driver": "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver",
        "url": "jdbc:mysql://${MY_DB_HOST}:${MY_DB_PORT}/${MY_DB_NAME}",
        "username": "${MY_DB_USER}",
        "password": "${MY_DB_PASS}" 


Replace the following placeholders:

  • /<projectName>/<path>/<dataSourceFileName>.datasource with the location of the datasource file in the application.
  • <dataSourceName> with the name of the datasource.

Set the following environment variables: - MY_DB_HOST - the database host. - MY_DB_PORT - the database port. - MY_DB_NAME - the database name. - MY_DB_USER - the database user. - MY_DB_PASS - the database password

Application Generation Steps

Once the datasource is added, proceed with the following steps to generate the application:

  1. Right-click the database you want and select Export Schema as Model.


  2. Navigate to the Workbench perspective and you should see a project and a *.model file created from your database.

  3. Right click the *.model file:

    • Click on the Generate option.
    • From the Generate from template pop-up select Application - Full Stack.


  4. Input additional information for you application


    The Data Source field is where your records are going to be saved. For this tutorial we want to use our imported datasource TUTORIAL but if you want you can use the Eclipse Dirigible H2 datasource (by default named DefaultDB).


  5. In the TUTORIAL project a couple of files will be generated - this is our application. Right click the project and publish your application using the Publish button.


  6. Navigate in the gen folder in the TUTORIAL project, select the index.html and in the Preview section below you can fetch your link and start using your application:




By following the steps outlined above, you can seamlessly generate an application in Eclipse Dirigible using a datasource. Ensure to set up the datasource correctly and choose the appropriate method based on your requirements.